Author and translator of Russian Books

Igor Labzin is a Russian-Australian author. He writes and translates historical memoirs. Igor puts a special focus on stories from the Russian Revolution and Civil War. Most noteworthy, his biographies recapture the lives of White Russian emigres and their families. As a result of the Civil War, these people spent lives in exile from Russia.



To date, Igor has written an extensive biography on his father, Boris Labzin. He was a White Russian officer and émigré. This title is Russia and Revolution: My Father, The Officer, The Man. Igor has also translated into Russian the autobiography of renowned Russian writer and relative, Sergei Mintslov. The autobiography is titled Faraway Days. More works are also in the pipeline, including another translation.

Faraway Days

How do you mourn for a country which is changing before your eyes? This is a Russian nobleman’s account of an idyllic young life in Imperial Russia. A life before Revolution, and before the bitter Civil War that was unfolding. Relive the ‘Faraway Days’ of a happy life in Russia before the Russian Revolution.

This English-translated autobiography is by renowned Russian writer and Igor’s relative, Sergei Mintslov. It was written in 1918. In addition, the work includes descriptions of significant places and events in Imperial Russia. Most noteworthy, the coronation of Tsar Nicholas II.

Russia & Revolution

What happened to the White Russian families who fled during the Civil War? Russian emigres escaped to many parts of the world, often under challenging conditions. This is a personal account of one man’s life in exile.

Igor has written a comprehensive biography of his father, White Russian officer Boris Labzin. It is a story relevant to refugees everywhere. A story about displacement, and a family who finally returns home.

“Two years ago when I was introduced to Igor I had never heard of the name Labzin, but now I see it everywhere in literature, history, art and museums”.
Dr Elena Konyukhova

Director , Prince Galitzine Library (Specialising in Writings of Russian Emigres)


If you are interested in these subjects you will probably enjoy Igor’s books:

Russian History – White Russians & Revolution

Does the Russian Revolution fascinate you? There’s nothing better than delving into history through first-hand accounts. Get to know the ‘golden days’ of Imperial Russia. In addition, understand more about the Russian Revolution and Civil War.

Russian Emigres

Many Russians left their homeland during the Civil War. What was their fate? Learn the history of Russian emigres and track their journey across the world. They arrived in places like Belgrade, Berlin, Istanbul, Paris, and Riga. They also emigrated to America, Shanghai, Harbin, and Australia. Consequently, Igor offers personal accounts of what it was like to live in exile.

Asian History

Russians who landed in Asia during the 1920’s were faced with many conflicts in the years that followed. Hence, Igor’s books offer a personal perspective on the early to mid half of the 20th Century in Asia. Most noteworthy, read accounts of World War II. In addition, delve into the conflict in the decolonisation of Indonesia, and the Battle of Surabaya.

Russian Ancestry Search

Are you a Russian émigré descendant? Be inspired about your family lineage. In addition, read about the Russia your family left behind. As a result, you can probably learn a lot about the journey your ancestors may have taken.


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